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Culture C0de

Decoding Conspiracies & Current Events//
Coding Creative Content & Culture

What the channel is about:

 Like a yin yang, Culture C0de was created to provide balance and provoke thought. In simplicity, there is much complexity when you look deeper.

 In a world of intentional deception, we seek truth. But at the same rate, we don't want to fearmonger. Some of the content matter and theories discussed can be dark but necessary. The intent is to get people to think critically again and have conversations with themselves and others. This channel also exists not just to provide ideas and knowledge but also  to spread positivity, creative moments and hope. So we have decided to make a channel  dedicated to balancing the darker current events and conspiracies with creative and hilarious endeavors. 
As such, this channel will be discussing on conspiracies, trends, culture, music, spirituality, religion and the occult, current events, fashion, live dj mixes and vlogs. We have a lot in store for you guys so like, follow, share and subscribe!

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